Your Gut Health Puzzle Made Simple

Solving Indigestion: Is Low Stomach Acid to Blame?

Prajakta Apte Episode 54

Welcome to "Your Gut Health Puzzle made Simple", where we explore crucial aspects of everyday health.
In this episode, we dive deep into a common issue - indigestion. Could low hydrochloric acid be the hidden cause? Let's find out.

What is Acid Reflux or Indigestion?

  • Definition of acid reflux and indigestion.
  • Explanation of how it affects individuals.

How Frequent Bouts of Acid Reflux Can Be a Red Flag

  • Differentiating occasional acid reflux from chronic occurrences.
  • Highlighting the potential risks of untreated chronic acid reflux.

What Hydrochloric Acid Does

  • A vivid analogy of the stomach as a chemical factory.
  • The role of hydrochloric acid in breaking down food, especially proteins, into smaller, digestible molecules.

Signs of Low Hydrochloric Acid

  • Bloating, belching, and feeling full even after small meals.
  • Presence of undigested food in stools and potential nutrient deficiencies.

Underlying Causes of Low Hydrochloric Acid

  • Hypothyroidism, H. Pylori infections, traumatic brain injuries, gluten sensitivity, and chronic gut inflammation.

Health Issues Caused by Low Hydrochloric Acid

  • Exploring the repercussions, including H. Pylori infections, insufficient nutrient absorption, protein digestion difficulties, food sensitivities, and loss of oral tolerance.

Remedies to Improve Production of Hydrochloric Acid

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar:
    • Explanation of its role in stimulating acid production.
  2. Digestive Bitters:
    • How herbal extracts can kickstart the digestive system before meals.
  3. Betaine HCl Supplements:
    • Caution and importance of professional guidance for using supplements.


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